Metal fabrication in Vietnam

I. Overview

Our customer specializes in products such as railings, barriers, transportation support equipment, and agricultural and industrial machinery. The product currently under development includes railings, barriers, and transportation support equipment.

Railguard System

II. Main process

III. Detail process

III. Challenges

The pipes have few drainage holes and are tall, so the airlocks must have a deep tank. The process of inserting the airlocks requires submerging the pipes, which takes a significant amount of time.

IV. Solutions

V. Summary

During implementation, we regularly update Granchat according to the scheduled timetable. Weekly updates include quality assessments and actual images, allowing customers to monitor progress and quality. This is highly valued by our technical and procurement departments, who proceed with the next purchase order before shipment.

The leadership of the supplier collaborates enthusiastically with us to ensure the product meets customer requirements precisely in terms of technical specifications and delivery schedule.

We Guarantee Successful Outsourcing

Best delivery performance, competitive pricing, better commercial terms, stable supplier base, control lead time

Effective and seamless workflow

With millions of parts delivered annually and serving more than 30 international customers, we are practicing the most advanced workflow to ensure the satisfaction of our customers and suppliers

  • 7
    part shipped annually
  • 98
    Quality acceptance

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