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Surface treatment in Vietnam

Surface treatment is commonly used to obtain sufficient resistance against environmental attack, including oxidation, without spoiling the required mechanical properties of the substrate.

Surface treatment and preparation are a broad range of industrial processes that alter the surface of a manufactured item to achieve a certain property or to prepare the material for additional process.

There are many types of surface preparation and surface treatment processes and techniques from mechanical Blasting, Shot peeing to various chemical /thermal processes such as Case hardening, Nitriding, Phosphating, Black Oxiding, Galvanizing, Chrome, and Zinc plating, Powder Coating (an industrial painting process)…

Vietnam Outsourcing (VNO) works with manufacturers specialized in various automated surface treatment and preparation techniques at a strategic location to ensure smooth and economical deliveries for our customers.

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Best delivery performance, competitive pricing, better commercial terms, stable supplier base, control lead time

Effective and seamless workflow

With millions of parts delivered annually and serving more than 30 international customers, we are practicing the most advanced workflow to ensure the satisfaction of our customers and suppliers

  • 7
    part shipped annually
  • 98
    Quality acceptance

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